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It's ok with me!

A tomb so cold

Added 7th October 2007


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

A tomb so cold, no fitting place
for one whom death could never hold.
You broke the chains, defeated sin,
and glorified you rose again, and you're reigning;

Risen and victorious,
radiant and glorious,
Jesus, Jesus, you reign!
Lifted to the highest place,
name above all other names,
Jesus, Jesus, you reign!

Seated on high, at God's right side,
you're interceding for your own.
And with your blood you've made a way
to welcome us to heaven's throne, where you're reigning;

And one great day our King will come again.
And we will rise to his eternal reign,
forever living in the glory of the Son.

In writing this song, I've tried to trace a story that begins with Jesus body in the tomb, takes in his resurrection, ascension and his reign in heaven with the Father, through to looking forward to his return. I particularly like the theme of the second verse which considers that in and through Jesus we now have access to the throne of heaven. It's a song of celebration and a confident declaration. You could certainly sing it around Easter, but the broader themes should make it suitable on all kinds on occasions. Some congregations might find it easier to sing down a key, so we've included an alternative version in the downloads.

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