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It's ok with me!

Jesus lead us to the Father

Added 2nd July 2007


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

Jesus, lead us to the Father,
by your Spirit, help us draw near.

As we come with awe and gladness,
help us draw near.

Alleluia, alleluia,
help us draw near.

I wrote my LST dissertation critiquing "romantic" imagery in worship songs, with the contention that intimacy with God is better expressed in the context of the Trinity. This aims to apply that thinking in a simple worship song. I think it is as we share in Jesus' relationship with the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we can "draw near" to God. The three sections can be sung over one another as a "cumulative round", which is an easy way to get a congregation singing in harmony. It is also something of a musical picture of the Trinity - three distinct lines, singing as one. It has been used by a number of churches and printed in the Spring Harvest 2005 and Songs for the King books.

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Yvonne Spowart at 03:26 on 29th June 2015
Sister Pamela PRANKE OP at 22:03 on 9th May 2014
rachel gardiner at 09:18 on 9th October 2013
Cathi Williams at 19:51 on 9th September 2013
roger hattam at 11:59 on 14th May 2012
Douglas Tincello at 13:01 on 2nd May 2012
Douglas Tincello at 13:01 on 2nd May 2012
Andrew Mitchell at 01:48 on 23rd April 2012
Steve Roddison at 13:17 on 19th April 2012
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Norman Pacey at 11:50 on 17th April 2012
Fragmentz A at 06:53 on 16th April 2012
Clara Badu Amoah at 02:37 on 23rd February 2012
Chris Franklin at 09:32 on 28th September 2011
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Simon Bray at 08:18 on 19th September 2011
miriam figuera at 10:47 on 7th September 2011
Kate Law-Jones at 07:24 on 30th August 2011