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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
Let your spirit rise before the Lord
and awaken to his calling.
With your heart and soul adore the Lord,
bring a song of praise before him.
Come, worship him, the king of all,
who has called you out of darkness
to receive a love so wonderful
and declare his endless praises.
He is worthy, always worthy,
he is glorious and good.
He is holy, always holy.
Let a song rise up to praise him,
let a song rise up to praise him.
We'll raise the anthem with one voice
and worship Him together.
You people of the King rejoice,
his love will last forever.
Hallelujah, let the song arise.
Hallelujah, let the song arise.
© Judy Gresham / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
I was inspired to write this song during an open time of worship in my home church. For a season we had stripped back the musical accompaniment in our services to allow time and space for the congregation to hear and respond to God. At one point our senior pastor encouraged us to open our hearts to God and to “let your spirit rise before Him” – the phrase stuck with me and I went home & wrote the song as a joyful call and response to encourage us to worship together, and for us to ‘let the song (that He deserves) arise’ as we spend time in His presence. I’m delighted to say that all the current RESOUNDworship writers are singing on the track, with a guest lead vocal from Geraldine Latty.
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