It's ok with me!

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It's ok with me!

Listen to the words (Peace be with you)

Added 5th July 2016


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

Listen to the words
of the risen Christ:
peace be with you.
Come and see his hands
and the wound in his side:
peace be with you.
With the eyes of faith
are you ready to see?
Peace be with you.
Come with all your doubts
for it’s time to believe:
peace be with you,
peace be with you.

Let the breath of God now fill me;
wholeness, fullness, life within me.
Full forgiveness given freely,
I receive as Jesus sends me.

This song was written as part of the 12 Song Challenge in 2016. We'd been challenged to write something based on one of the resurrection appearances and I'd made no progress at all until, with one day left in the month, I met with our church small group who were studying John 20. We talked about what 'peace be with you' really meant in the full 'shalom' sense, and how it linked with Jesus sending his disciples out to take forgiveness as part of that peace. As we prayed for each other a light came on and the song tumbled out. They don't usually happen that way!

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Lucy Adcock at 23:21 on 6th May 2017
Dennis Bailey at 04:31 on 6th July 2016