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It's ok with me!

Oh what a friend

Added 27th April 2016


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

Oh what a friend,
what a friend we have in Jesus,
who knows our every weakness
and the burdens that we bear.
Oh what a joy,
what a privilege and mercy,
to carry everything to him in prayer.

Jesus, we come,
our defences are undone,
and we lay our fragile prayers
before your throne.
Jesus, we trust
in your never-failing love,
knowing safe within your grace
we find our home,
we find our home.

When we are weak,
he is strength within the struggle,
peace within the trouble,
and hope in our despair.
When we are lost
or fading in our courage,
he will raise us up
and hide us with him there.

This began as a chorus for the hymn 'What a friend we have in Jesus' that I wrote, last minute, for a town-wide service I was involved in leading. I wanted some way of responding to those powerful words in between verses. At the service, the singing of the classic hymn was a great success, and the chorus went down well, but they didn't really seem to fit together! So I thought I'd better try writing some new verses, drawing on Scriven's classic lyrics which originally inspired me to write, and this is the result. It's funny how often I write a song having set out originally to write something else. You can never be sure where this songwriting process will take you! 

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Paul Davidson at 14:44 on 20th July 2016