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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
Redeeming love has won!
You rose from death and crowned
with glory now, you reign in heaven.
Death could not hold you down;
by resurrection power
we live in you, now and forever.
Hallelujah, your redeeming love has won!
Hallelujah, to our Saviour, God’s own Son.
Hallelujah, we will sing salvation’s song
‘til the whole world hears what Jesus Christ has done;
let the whole world hear what Jesus Christ has done .
Good news will have a voice
as we declare the truth
that Jesus lives, that He is risen.
Redeeming love in us
must show a dying world
the life of Christ, and his salvation.
We believe you are our freedom,
the highway to the Father’s heart,
we believe you’re our salvation:
hear us shout it out!
© Jo Doré / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
God’s redeeming love has won! This is a song of declaration and celebration in praise of Jesus’ resurrection and his redemptive love. The journey of this song was originally birthed in John 14:6 contemplating the fact that Jesus is the only Way (Truth & Life) to God the Father, hence the bridge being written early on. As the song progressed, alongside studying various parts of scripture, the sentiment of celebration and praise rose up within me. With the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection being impressed upon me, the chorus burst out with “Hallelujah”.
We can celebrate because Jesus overcame death. We can celebrate because we live in Him (John 11:25-26) and have everlasting life because of his resurrection.
The ‘Good News’ theme in the last line of the chorus has been carried on and developed in verse 2 and how right and biblical it is that we are the carriers of Jesus’ truth and life to the world.
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