If you’re a fan of what we do, would you consider supporting us with a one-off or regular gift?
Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
When the world is shaken
and the mountains fall to the sea
we will lift our eyes up
to the only hope for our peace.
On the throne in heaven
is the one who suffered the cross;
now, in risen glory,
he is always pleading for us.
Jesus! You're the only hope,
Saviour of the world.
Jesus! Everlasting Lord,
sovereign over all.
For the day draws nearer
when the Lord will come in his power.
He will judge with justice;
let the nations turn to him now.
We'll bow before the Living One,
the Lamb upon the throne,
who was and is and is to come
and reigns forevermore.
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