It's ok with me!

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It's ok with me!

All I have

Added 7th October 2007


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

All I have, all I am, I lay down before your throne,
for this I seek; to see the glory of the Lord.
To live is Christ, to die is gain, I give my all to bring you fame,
I live for this; to see the glory of the Lord.

For your glory, for your glory,
let me live, let me live.
For your glory, for your glory,
let me live.

The things behind, I will leave, for I know I will receive
the final prize; to see the glory of the Lord.
I long to hear my Father say 'you have done well, you've kept the faith,
now enter in and see the glory of the Lord.'

This I pray for, this I long for,
this I hope for, this I live for.
This I pray for, this I long for,
to see your glory come on earth.

'All I have' was one of the first worship songs I wrote, and has been used with at least one different tune. It came out of a time when I was being challenged to live the whole of my life for God by Paul's attitude 'To live is Christ, to die is gain'. The verses reflect on that statement and similar ones elsewhere in the Bible, and the chorus is a simple heart-cry of response and commitment. This song was also published in Spring Harvest 2006/7.

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keela neumann at 13:01 on 3rd January 2016
Gavin Ball at 01:53 on 6th January 2014
Jon King at 02:44 on 26th January 2013
Chris Franklin at 09:28 on 28th September 2011
Judy Gresham at 10:01 on 19th September 2011
Simon Bray at 08:16 on 19th September 2011
Sam Hargreaves at 06:16 on 26th August 2011