It's ok with me!

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It's ok with me!

The Spirit of the Lord

Added 8th September 2008


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

The Spirit of the Lord has anointed us
to speak good news;
the example of the Lord has inspired us
to be good news.
The favour of the Lord flows through us his church
to the world he loves;
the compassion of the Lord, seen in Jesus’ life,
will be known through us.

We are sent to love the broken hearted,
sent to pray that the sick are healed,

bring your freedom to the captives,

walk in Jesus’ power and authority.

We’ll be good news, we’ll speak good news.

We are called to bless the poor and needy,
called to serve all the lost and least,

bring release where there’s oppression,

walk in Jesus’ power and authority.
We’ll be good news, we’ll speak good news.

This song springs from a desire to have more material which expresses God's heart for justice. It applies Jesus' manifesto from Luke 4 to all of us, because we are all anointed with the Spirit to both speak and be 'good news to the poor'. Musically I was going for something a bit different to what we regularly hear in worship, so I thought a soul/funk sound would help us celebrate the joyful calling God places on our lives!

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Ian Garrott at 16:05 on 13th January 2014
Ken Granger at 08:05 on 19th June 2012