It's ok with me!

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It's ok with me!

God the maker of the heavens

Added 10th June 2019


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

God, the maker of the heavens,
and the planet that we share,
show us how to live, like Jesus,
lives of gratitude and care.
Make us mindful of the footprints
from the lives that we pursue.
Make us partners in your mission:
you are making all things new.

God, the gardener of Eden,
teach us how to tend this earth,
learning from the changing seasons,
times of fallow and new birth.
Lord have mercy when we’re careless,
rich resources we misuse.
Use our hands to heal creation:
you are making all things new.

God of labour and vocation,
Lord of science, trade and art,
take our efforts and our passions
make them mirrors of your heart.
Every habitat and creature
loved and valued, God, by you.
May our lives reveal your Kingdom:
you are making all things new.

You are making all things new.
you are making all things new,
all things renewed.

This is a song about our relationship with God’s creation. I wanted to focus on the hope that God is “making all things new” - renewing and restoring everything he has made, and to ask God to help us play our part in that amazing vision. The tune is CONVERSE by Charles Converse, known for being used with “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” (public domain). We hope this makes it easy to incorporate into your services. 

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Alison Jackson at 16:48 on 22nd September 2020
Helen Sherriff at 00:27 on 2nd September 2020
Rachel Burns at 07:21 on 10th October 2019