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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
NB This is a live recording, so the backing track does contain some traces of lead and group vocals.
Sing a hymn to God's great glory,
just and holy all his ways.
Let us tell redemption's story
singing songs of thankful praise.
God, who long ago created
music to inspire the heart,
lifts our souls, that stimulated
we may play our joyful part.
Sing a hymn of Christ's salvation,
our Messiah, Servant, Priest;
building us a true foundation,
giving us a holy feast.
He who lived and died for others
from his virgin mother's womb
now unites us, sisters, brothers,
through his conquest of the tomb.
Sing a hymn, in which shall feature
all the Spirit's living power;
animating every creature
day by day and hour by hour.
Sing, oh sing, in rhythm's motion
joining music, words and beat;
till the tongue and mind's devotion
in exultant worship meet.
Sing forever, all creation,
to the Trinity above.
Let the church in every nation
join in bonds of holy love.
Music of the highest order,
instruments and voices blend,
overcoming all disorder:
Songs of praise shall never end.
© Michael Saward, Sam Hargreaves / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
Part of the 'Sing a Hymn' album project, taking texts from the Jubilate catalogue and writing new tunes for a new audience.
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