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Christ was raised

Added 8th November 2016


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

Christ was raised, even death could not contain him.
We are saved, Satan’s power he overcame.
No more shame, no more guilt and condemnation,
in his name, in his name.
Christ is raised, he is seated with the Father,
and the Spirit that raised him gives us life.
So we’ll live to the glory of our saviour,
Hallelujah, he’s alive. 
Christ was raised, the restorer of creation,
by his grace making earth and heaven new.
we are changed, agents of his re-creation
in all we do, all we do.
Christ is raised, so our struggles have a purpose,
he’s alive, so our work is not in vain,
and we’ll serve for the glory of our saviour,
Hallelujah, Jesus reigns.

Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah, he's alive.
Christ was raised, bringing all the world together,
making peace, breaking down our walls of hate.
And one day every knee will bow before him,
for his praise, for his praise.
Christ is raised, with a new and glorious body,
scars of love in his hands and in his side.
So we’ll sing to the glory of our saviour:
Hallelujah, King of life.

Jesus’ resurrection has world-transforming implications! I’ve been co-writing a book with my wife, Sara, about Whole Life Worship. One of the things which struck us is that the resurrection of Christ is so often only spoken about in songs as having an impact on the individual worshipper. I don’t ever want to lose this personal connection. But in Ephesians, for example, I think we see at least three levels of impact: on an individual level, resurrecting us from the death of sin and guilt (Ephesians 2:1–10); on a relational level between us as humans (2:11–18); and on a cosmic level, the unification of ‘all things in heaven and on earth under Christ’ (1:10). I got so excited about this I wanted to try and write a song/hymn about it, so here it is.

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Philip Griffith at 06:27 on 18th January 2017
Sam Hargreaves at 02:05 on 9th November 2016
Dennis Bailey at 01:48 on 9th November 2016

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