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It's ok with me!

He's my Saviour

Added 27th October 2008


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

He's my Saviour, he's my Saviour,
he's my Saviour, Christ the Lord.

He was crucified...

He is risen...

He is coming...

Leader / congregation improvise additional verses...

This song is designed to be improvised! There are a few basic verses to get you going - you can then choose to stop, or carry on with improvised verses. The leader or members of the group/congregation call out 4 or 5 syllable phrases which everyone then joins in singing, finishing with 'Christ the Lord' each time. I've found it works well in big and small groups, and particularly in response to Bible study or preaching, when our eyes have been opened to Jesus' character and work. I've been very encouraged seeing some of the quieter members of a group bravely call out and play a part in leading the praises of the others. We've gone for a live recording of this one to try to give you a really clear idea of how it might work in practice.

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Mel Underwood at 19:32 on 15th March 2020
Andrew Mitchell at 00:47 on 22nd April 2013
miriam figuera at 10:51 on 9th March 2013