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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
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Where are you, in the storm,
in the chaos can you hear
our desperate call?
Water rising, are you sleeping:
are you Lord after all?
Where are you, in the rain?
Earth is crying
for an end to all its pain.
We are sinking, heaven weeping:
will we see light again?
In the storm, you’re the anchor,
you are our hope, you are the shield.
Every rainbow a promise:
you love this world,
all of creation will be healed.
O speak your mighty word;
raging waters will bow down
before their Lord.
Peace commanding, promise keeping:
of a planet restored.
© Sam Hargreaves / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
The disciples on a boat in a storm is a helpful image of how we often feel today. The environmental crisis can feel like both physical and metaphorical storms, and we can wonder along with the disciples, “Where is Jesus? Is he sleeping? Does he care?” I paired this with another storm story, Noah’s Flood, where a rainbow was the sign of God’s promise that he cares about all of his creation. Jesus is the anchor and shield in all of our storms, and the Bible promises that God will heal our broken world.
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