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All who are thirsty

Added 22nd August 2022


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

NB This is a live recording, so the backing track does contain some traces of lead and group vocals.

1 All who are thirsty, come to the Lord,
all who are hungry, feed on his word;
buy without paying food without price,
eat with thanksgiving God's sacrifice.

2 Why spend your money, yet have no bread;
why work for nothing? Trust God instead!
He will provide you richest of food:
come to the waters, drink what is good.

All who are thirsty come...

3 Call on God's mercy while he is near,
turn from your evil, come without fear;
ask him for pardon, grace will abound!
This is the moment he can be found.

All who are thirsty come...

4 Where once were briers, flowers will grow,
where lives were barren, rivers will flow:
praise to our Saviour, grace and renown
ours is the blessing, his be the crown!

All who are thirsty come...

Bible Passages: Isa 35:5-6; Isa 55; John 6:35

Part of the 'Sing a Hymn' album project, taking texts from the Jubilate catalogue and writing new tunes for a new audience.

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